Attention:  All GM Retired salary employees.  I am sure you know that your dental insurance is expiring the end of 2008 and afterward all of the cost of dental care will come out of  your own pocket.  If you are one of those procrastinators who are waiting for a problem to come up before seeing a dentist– you may want to think differently.  Your insurance expires very soon and after this year you won’t be able to use your hard earned benefits for dentistry. 

If you currently have a dentist go see him/her now or if you don’t have one we can treat you.  The important thing is to take action now because there are only a couple of months left in 2008 and it will be over in a flash.  It usually takes some time to complete treatment on our patients so act now!!!! 

Don’t be like an existing patient who used to work at Ford.  He waited until he had a problem, but by that time he lost out on ample dental benefits which expired after he retired and he found himself paying for the dental treatment out of his pocket.  He did tell me that he made a mistake in waiting so long and wishes he took advantage of is insurance.  Let this be a word to the wise and take action NOW.