What to you do if either you or your child knocks out a tooth or traumatizes their mouth during an accident?  Before discussing the treatment of accidents it would be prudent to go over prevention:

What are some of the sports and recreational activities where a mouthguard should be worn?
Wear a mouthguard during contact sports such as Ice, field and street hockey, kick boxing, baseball, football, racquetball, martial arts, boxing, soccer, rugby, basketball, softball, roller blading, skating, skate-boarding, wrestling, volleyball, mountain biking and motocross.

How does a mouthguard work?

The mouthguard absorbs and deflects the force of a blow to the mouth area. Mouthguards protect oral tissues from laceration by shielding the lips, tongue, gums and cheeks. Mouthguards help protect the brain from concussion by absorbing the shock of a blow to the lower jaw and helping protect the jaw joint from possible dislocation and related injury. Mouthguards also protect the lower jaw and prevent dental restorations and weakened tooth structures from fracture by acting as a cushion between the upper and lower jaws.

Where can I obtain a mouthguard?

A custom-made mouthguard requires a visit to the dentist. An impression of your teeth, usually only the upper arch, is made and a mouthguard is molded from it. On-site mouthguard programs are available, but office visits may be preferred. “Boil and Bite” mouthguards are available at pharmacies and retail stores that sell athletic equipment.

Why are custom-made mouthguards preferred?
While custom-made mouthguards are preferred to obtain maximum fit, comfort and quality, they are usually more expensive than “boil and bite” mouthguards. Compared to rehabilitation costs, not including pain and suffering, a mouthguard is relatively inexpensive, costing no more than the shoes required for the sport. In addition, a custom-made mouthguard is easily retained in the mouth and rarely interferes with speech or breathing.

We do offer these custom mouthguards in our office at around $80.  It typically only takes 1 visit to have the impressions made and the guard fabricated.

What to do when a tooth is knocked out:


  1. If the tooth is dirty, rinse it gently in running water, contact lens solution or cold milk.
  2. Do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments.
  3. Gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket.  If possible position it correctly in the socket by comparing it to the tooth on the other side of the mouth.  Either way, the tooth is best preserved by being maintained in its socket no matter its position.
  4. If placing it in its own socket is not possible, place the tooth in a cup of milk or when milk is not available in a cup of cool salt water.
  5. Go immediately to your dentist within 30 minutes of its occurrence. (Don’t forget the tooth)

If a baby tooth falls out DO NOT INSERT IT.  These teeth will be replaced by their adult successors.

If part of the tooth chips off and you can find it, please bring it with you to the office because it is possible to actually bond the portion back onto the remaining tooth structure.  Many times this repair is not even perceivable.

If there are cuts and lacerations on the face, apply direct pressure to the bleeding area with a clean cloth.  Apply cold compresses if swelling is present.  If you can not get the bleeding to stop visit the closest hospital or urgent care center.

If you are in an accident and suspect a broken jaw,  Do not move the jaw.  Secure the jaw in place by tying a handkerchief, necktie or towel around the jaw and over the top if the head.  If swelling is present, apply cold compresses.  Go immediately to the hospital.


We can provide to you a unique Dental Emergencies Refrigerator Magnet free of charge.  Just give us a call at 586-247-3500 or stop into our office located on 15055 22 Mile (just west of Hayes).  We will be more than happy to provide this to you.  There are a limited supply so call now for this valuable gift.