What is Periodontal Disease?

What is periodontal disease? It is the inflammation of the surrounding structures of the teeth, including bone and soft tissues. It can be as simple as gum inflammation or more serious involving the surrounding tissues and the bone. When there is a surmountable amount...

Shelby Dentist says “Periodontal Disease / Gum Disease and other factors can contribute to heart disease and diabetes”

I asked Helen, a patient of mine in her late 70’s who regularly reads my “Ask The Gentle Dentist” column what she would like to see in my June Ask the Dentist column.  She thought it would be a good idea for me to write an article on the Periodontal...

Shelby Dentist: Oral Care for the Cancer Patient in Michigan

The effects of cancer treatment on the mouth can be quite severe! Most people realize the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy which are hair loss and nausea, but 1 out of 3 people develop problems with the mouth during and even after treatment.  These...