Hi, my name’s Dr. Antolak. I’m the owner here of  The Gentle Dentist. We’re located in Shelby Township, Michigan.  So glad you made the time to invest in, in looking at our website. What to expect when you come into our office is a lot of smiling faces. When you come in here, you’ll see the fact that we really care for you. And we really desire the fact that you are the most important person when you come in here.

Our very friendly team of very competent dental healthcare professionals are here to help serve you. We also want to make sure that when you come in that all your needs are met. And so you have a questionnaire that your going to answer and in that questionnaire we’ll go through a process that just helps us to stimulate some conversation. If you have had some bad experiences before, sit down and talk about those experiences so that we can make sure we create a good, nurturing environment for you to develop trust.

During your process as a patient coming in we will give you a tour of our office. We’ll take a series of photographs, digital photographs, where you can actually see what’s going on within your own mouth. And that way you can help direct the type of dentistry that you want. We’ll talk to you about what the possibilities. But if we know what direction you want to go for yourself  and we know exactly what your long terms goals are and maybe the things that have prevented you from getting treatment done before, we can formulate a plan for you for that.

Next, I’ll do an examination. I check all kinds of different things:

  • gum disease
  • head and neck cancer, with examination for cancer
  • problems that you may have with some pain
  • headache evaluation
  • evaluate your teeth, with the health of your teeth to include cavities

We give a fully comprehensive examination, and then we’ll develop a plan for you. If it’s something simple, or whether it’s something very complex. We will sit down and talk to you about your different options that you have available. Included with those options, we do have a number of different financial options available. So why don’t you give us a call at our office. Which, that number is (586) 247-3500, or you can visit our website at the gentledentist.com. Thank you.