Use of Tobacco and Oral HealthWhether its cigarettes or chewing products, tobacco consumption is detrimental for human health in each and every case. If we talk about particular harms of tobacco use, then oral cavity bears a lot of brunt of this unhealthy habit. Let’s have a look at some of the many perilous implications of the regular use of tobacco for oral health.

Stained teeth color

Oral cavity with stained teeth can’t really warrant a good confident smile. People can’t keep up their confidence level in social situations if they are suffering from the problem of tainted teeth. Regular smoking and the habit of tobacco chewing gradually start the process of teeth discoloration. The affected people only get the reality check when they stumble upon their own smile spoiled due to yellow teeth.

In order to get the natural sheen of your tainted teeth and confidence back, the first thing you have to do is quit the bad habit of tobacco use.  In addition, visiting a dentist office for teeth whitening procedure would also help.

Blunted olfactory and taste senses

When taste receptors of the tongue are constantly plagued by nicotine and tar, they start to lose their natural ability to appreciate different tastes. Since olfactory sensors and taste buds are strongly interconnected, therefore the blunted activity of one sense also affects the other. Chainsmokers usually have to deal with this problem where they can’t appreciate the lusciousness of different food items to their fullest.

Bad breath

More often than not, digestive issues and plaque buildup in the oral cavity are responsible for bad breath. One can deal with this type of bad breath with good teeth cleaning routine and healthy eating. However, people suffering from bad breath because of regular use of tobacco can get rid of this problem only after quitting the bad habit. Like stained teeth, bad breath also makes it difficult for the affected people to steer through public interactions.

Slow recovery, quick deterioration

Longtime smoking actually weakens the immune system, which slows down the recovery from any dental health issue or surgery. On the other hand, the regular use of tobacco speeds up the process of tooth decay. Instances of gum inflammation also see an uptick in smokers and other tobacco users.

Spoils dental restoration procedures

Teeth whitening and bleaching treatments can’t give desirable results if the person keeps on consuming tobacco. Similarly, other restoration procedures are also spoiled by tobacco use. For instance, the newly installed crown can quickly get rough margins because of the gum recession instigated by smoking.

Oral cancer

This is the most dreadful oral health implications of the incessant use of tobacco. People consuming tobacco in non-smokable form are most vulnerable to develop oral cancer. Besides inflicting oral disabilities, a late-stage oral cancer can also aggravate into fatal consequences.

For better oral health, the first thing a person has to do is to quit this unhealthy habit. It is possible by combining strong resolve and some prescription medicines. Secondly, get in touch with any good dental clinic for the overall restoration of oral health.  The dental and oral health experts at The Gentle Dentist have the expertise to deal with detrimental effects of tobacco use on oral health.  Please visit our website at or call us at 586-247-3500.