At the Gentle Dentist we see many high fear patients in our office.  Many of these people have had terrible experiences as children.  The dentist of their youth either didn’t listen to them, put their hands over their mouth as they tried to scream for help or did dental fillings and therefore had fear of the dental drill without the use of any anesthetic.  I hear this so much when I interview those who have rightfully so avoided the dentist for many years.  It is now possible to have all of your dentistry done in as little as a one or two visits and not have any memory of the visit.  Can you imagine that?  Not remembering the visit.  What a great way to get over the fear that has been controlling you.

Give us a phone call at (586)247-3500 or visit our web site at to check out what we do.  We are located in Shelby Township, Michigan just a couple of miles north of Lakeside Mall.