All You Need to Know About Dental DecayDental decay is what happens when both dentine and enamel of your tooth softens because of the acids from all the sugary food and drink that you consume. This acid creates a cavity in the tooth which indicates tooth decay. A decaying tooth either needs to be filled or has to be extracted, depending on its condition.

This article will brief you about all the essential things that you need to know about dental decay. Reading this information will help you take better care of your teeth.

The Reason behind Decaying Teeth

When the sugar in foods and drinks you consume react with the bacteria in your mouth, it results in the creation of plaque. With time, the acid in food continues to thin the enamel, which makes teeth susceptible to decay. As it turns out, sugar in the food you eat is not the only thing which is harmful. Carbohydrate-rich foods are also responsible for reacting with plaque and forming acids.

What Signs Indicate Dental Decay?

There are no symptoms in the early stages of dental decay. However, if you regularly visit a dentist, your dentist might be able to spot a cavity in the early stages of tooth decay in an x-ray. Given that it’s easier to treat small cavities than the advanced ones, it’s important to visit your dentist periodically.

What Happens If Someone Has a Cavity?

If the cavity in your tooth reaches the dentine, it would make the tooth sensitive. Later, as the decay gets closer to the dental pulp, you will experience a toothache when you eat or drink something either hot or cold. The pain you’ll feel will only last for seconds. But if you let it persist, the pain would get severe and you’ll have to take painkillers. Without any further delay, you must visit your dentist and save your dying tooth or else you’ll end up developing a dental abscess.

When Should One Visit a Dentist

A toothache is a sign that indicates something is not right with your tooth. That’s when you should visit a dentist. Delaying the visit will only make the matters worse and you might end up losing a tooth that could’ve been saved if you had made a timely visit to a dentist.

What Treatment Will a Dentist Recommend?

Paying an early visit to a dentist can save your decaying tooth. If the decay hasn’t spread much, the dentist will remove the decay and fill the cavity. In case the decay has damaged the nerve, the dentist will have to perform a root canal. In the worst case scenario, if the tooth is beyond saving, the dentist will have no other option but to remove it.

The best way to avoid dental decay is to brush your teeth first thing in the morning and before going to sleep at night. Brush the inner, outer, and biting surfaces of your teeth. Flossing your teeth also helps prevent tooth decay because it cleans between your teeth and removes all the stuck remnants of food. If you want a proper regimen for maintaining oral hygiene in order to avoid dental decay, then contact us at 586-247-3500 or visit us at We are always accepting NEW patients!