Do not underestimate the wonderful contribution your children make to society when they extend a good deed to others. They may not have saved a life, but if they have made a decision to clean up a parking lot, or to help an elderly neighbor…please tell us.
It is our intention to promote the good things happening in our community. In this day and age, most people and the media continuously emphasize the negative and bad things others have done; we would like to take the opposite approach and boast about the wonderful good deeds many of our young people have done.
This contest is open to any youth under 18 years of age. Simply do what the title says, “DO A GOOD DEED” and tell us. Write and submit a short essay explaining exactly what you did, why you chose to do it, and what happened as a result. Essay needs to be written by the child.
To submit your essays you can mail, fax, hand deliver to our office, or visit our web site.
Entry Deadline for this contest is April 30st, 2011.
We will hold a Presentation Ceremony on May 17th, 2011 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.